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- You are at home.
- You are approaching the city. The Palace and marketplace are straight ahead, to the EAST.
- The palace is straight in front of you to the NORTH, the market is SOUTH, and you can go EAST or WEST.
- You are in the market, facing east. The palace is NORTH, a tavern is WEST and the market extends SOUTH and EAST.
- You are by the marketplace fountain, facing east. Stalls are NORTH and EAST and the market extends WEST.
- You are at the chickpea stall. The market is SOUTH.
- You are at the sweets stall. The market is WEST.
- You are in the tavern, facing west. The exit is EAST.
- You are at the potter’s stall. The market is EAST.
- You are in the market, facing south. A shoemaker is EAST, a potter is WEST and the market extends NORTH.
- You are at the shoemaker’s stall. The market is WEST.
- You are at a corner of the Palace, facing northwest. An alley runs NORTH and the main entrance is EAST.
- You are in the service courtyard, facing north. The kitchens are WEST, and alley runs SOUTH and the Palace is EAST.
- You are in the kitchen, facing west. The exit is EAST.
- You are at the back of the Palace, facing south. The service courtyard is WEST, the back door is SOUTH and the Palace extends NORTH.
- You are behind the Palace, facing east. You can go SOUTH or EAST.
- You are behind the Palace, facing south. You can go EAST or WEST. A high wall is SOUTH.
- You are at a back corner of the Palace, facing southwest. You can go SOUTH or WEST.
- You are on the east side of the Palace, facing north. You can go NORTH or SOUTH.
- You are at a corner of the Palace, facing northwest. The main entrance is WEST, and you can go NORTH or EAST.
- You are in a public bathhouse, facing east. The dressing rooms are NORTH and the exit is WEST.
- You are in the bathhouse dressing room, facing north. The exit is SOUTH.
- You are in the Palace entrance arcade, facing north. The market is SOUTH, the grand courtyard is NORTH and a door is EAST.
- You are in the palace courtyard, facing north. There are doors to the NORTH, EAST and WEST, the archway is SOUTH and stairs go UP.
- You are in the Palace treasury, facing south. The exit is EAST and the room continues WEST.
- You are in the Palace treasury, facing west. The room extends EAST and there is a door to the NORTH.
- You are at the back entrance of the Palace, facing south. The exit is NORTH and stairs go UP.
- You are in the Sultan’s reception hall, facing north. The exit is SOUTH, a door is NORTH and a window is WEST.
- You are in a long room, facing northwest. The exit is SOUTH and the room extends WEST.
- You are in a long room, facing south. A courtyard is SOUTH, stairs go UP and the room extends EAST.
- You are in a private courtyard, facing northeast. There are windows to the NORTH and EAST.
- You are at the women’s service entrance, facing east. Another room is EAST and the exit is WEST.
- You are in the Begum’s dining room, facing east. There are rooms to the NORTH and WEST.
- You are in the women’s lounge, facing east. There are doors to the SOUTH and WEST.
- You are in the Begum’s reception room, facing east. A garden is NORTH, another room is EAST and the exit is WEST.
- You are in a private garden, facing northwest. There are windows to the SOUTH, a high wall to the NORTH and the garden extends EAST.
- You are in a private garden, facing southeast. There are windows to the SOUTH, a high wall to the NORTH and EAST, and the garden extends WEST.
- You are in the Sultan’s dining room, facing north. Another room is NORTH, and stairs go UP and DOWN.
- You are in a second-floor room, facing west. Another room is SOUTH and stairs go UP and DOWN.
- You are in the music room, facing north. Another room is NORTH, and stairs go UP and DOWN.
- You are in the Sultan’s parlor, facing east. There are rooms to the SOUTH and EAST and stairs go DOWN.
- You are in the Sultan’s bedroom, facing east. The exit is WEST and a balcony is SOUTH.
- You are on a balcony, facing southwest. The door is NORTH.
- You are near the top of the back stairs, facing northeast. A balcony is NORTH, doors lead SOUTH and EAST, and the stairs go DOWN.
- You are on a balcony, facing east. The door into the building is SOUTH.
- You are on the roof, facing south. The stairs are WEST, more roofs are EAST, and courtyards are NORTH and SOUTH.
- You are above a private courtyard. The main roof is SOUTH and you can also descend.
- You are above the grand courtyard, facing northwest. There are roofs to the NORTH, EAST and WEST, the market is SOUTH, and you can also descend.
- You are above the market. The Palace is NORTH, and you can also descend.
- You are on the roof of the audience hall, facing west. A door is north, the grand courtyard is east, and the roof extends SOUTH and WEST.
- You are on the audience-hall roof overlooking the service courtyard to the north. The roof extends SOUTH and EAST.
- You are on the audience-hall roof, facing northeast. The roof extends NORTH and EAST.
- You are on the audience-hall roof, facing south. The roof extends NORTH and WEST, the market is south and the grand courtyard is east.
- You are at the top of the northeast tower. The exit is DOWN.
- You are at the top of the northwest tower. The exit is DOWN.
- You are at the top of the southwest tower. The exit is DOWN.
- You are at the top of the southeast tower. The exit is DOWN.
- You are outside the audience hall, facing south. The door is WEST and stairs go DOWN.
- You are in the audience hall, facing west. The room extends SOUTH and WEST, the exit is EAST, and spiral stairs go UP.
- You are in the audience hall, facing southwest toward the throne. The room extends SOUTH and EAST, and spiral stairs go UP.
- You are in the audience hall, facing west. The room extends NORTH and EAST, and spiral stairs go UP.
- You are in the audience hall, facing northwest. The room extends NORTH and WEST, and spiral stairs go UP.
- You are in a second-floor room, facing west. Another room is NORTH and stairs go UP and DOWN.
- You are in the Begum’s dressing room, facing north. The exit is SOUTH and an open window is NORTH.
- You are on the top floor of the women’s wing, facing north. A door leads WEST and stairs go DOWN.
- You are on a covered gallery, facing east. A room is EAST and stairs go UP.
- You are on the roof, facing northeast. The roof extends SOUTH and WEST, the pavilions are EAST, and stairs go DOWN.
- You are in a roof pavilion. The exit is WEST.
- You are on the roof, facing south. SOUTH is a tower room, the grand courtyard is WEST, and the roof extends NORTH.
- You are in Zainab’s tower room, facing west. The exit is NORTH.
- You are on top of the domed audience-hall roof. The flat roof is DOWN.
- The tavern doesn’t look so sinister, after all.